Sponsor a Voter for $10.00 a Month 

GOAL: Will you help us raise $80,000 for 2024?

The Loudoun County Republican Committee is launching a New Voter Program.

For the past decade or more, democrats have been sending emails, hard letters in the mail, text messages, phone calls, and knocks at the door to every new voter that moves into Loudoun County.

It’s time the Republican Party of Loudoun County competed with this onslaught of communication pieces to our new voters.

As a committee, we want to communicate to our new voters.

  • 7 pieces of Direct Letters in the Mail.
  • 7 Phone Calls by our Volunteers
  • 7 Emails to their inbox directly from the Chairman of the LCRC
  • 7 Text Messages to their Cell Phones directly from the Chairman of the LCRC
  • 2 Knocks at their Door to talk to them and give them literature

30 New Voter Contacts over 14 Months

With very accurate voter data, we have surmised that 12,000 new voters come online each year in Loudoun.

We have run the numbers and found that it would cost $10.00 per new voter we are able to touch with 30 pieces of communication.

We have come to the conclusion it would cost $80,000 a year to touch every person in Loudoun that registers to vote each year.

Your $10.00 Gift Each Month

For every $10.00 we raise, we will be able to touch a voter 30 times when they register to vote.  Your money will go directly towards the voter contact.

Make your gift now and Sponsor a New Voter for a Full Year!

Make your gift now using this secure form and help defend liberty and preserve the Loudoun way of life.

$355,584 of $80,000 raised
Hey! We've raised $355,584 of the $80,000 we are trying to raise for this campaign!
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