- This event has passed.
10th District Republican Convention for Elections of Chairman
2024 Convention of the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee
Saturday, April 27, 2024
10:00 AM (with registration opening at 8:30 AM)
Stone Bridge High School
43100 Hay Road
Ashburn, VA 20147
The 10th Congressional District Elections for Chairman and Election of Delegates for the National Convention will be held on April 27th. Please read the details below.
2024 Convention of the
10th Congressional District Republican Committee
ISSUED: January 21, 2024
I, Geary Higgins, as Chairman of the Tenth Congressional District Committee (District Committee)
of the Republican Party of Virginia and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended
and directed by the District Committee, do hereby issue this Call for a District Convention to be
held at John Champe High School located at 41535 Sacred Mountain Street, Aldie, VA 20105,
or its alternative site, starting at 10:00 AM (with registration opening at 8:30 AM) on Saturday,
April 27, 2024, for the following purposes:
a) Electing a District Chairman of the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee;
b) Nominating a Republican candidate for elector for President and Vice President of
the United States to be voted for at the election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024;
c) Electing three members of the State Central Committee for a term of four years or until
their successors are elected; and
d) For the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention.
There shall be no resolutions brought before the convention.
Qualifications for Participation
All legal and qualified voters of the 10th Congressional District under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord
with the principles of the Republican Party, and who, if requested, express in open meeting either
orally or in writing as may be required their intent to support all of its nominees for public office
in the ensuing election may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass
meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries encompassing their respective election
In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless
otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Official Committee, a person otherwise qualified hereunder
shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the
Republican Party in the last five years. A single exception to this rule shall be approved for a voter
that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she
is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at the time of the writing, to
support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future.
Any voter who, subsequent to making a statement of intent, publicly supports a candidate in
opposition to a Republican nominee is not qualified to participate as a member of the Republican
Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries for a period of
four years.
Composition of Convention
The District Convention shall be composed of delegates and alternate delegates of the respective
units they represent. Representation shall be based on the total number of Republican votes cast in
each county and city in the last gubernatorial and presidential election combined. Each unit
delegation’s voting strength shall equal one (1) Delegate Vote for each two hundred fifty (250)
votes cast or major portion thereof for the Republican candidate in the most recent elections for
President and Governor. Each unit shall be entitled to at least one (1) Delegate Vote. Each unit’s
maximum number of delegates is a number five (5) times its respective Delegate Vote. Each
locality’s Delegate Vote and maximum number of delegates are set forth below.
Delegate Vote
Maximum Number of
Delegates = Delegate
Vote x 5
Maximum Number of
Alternate Delegates =
Delegate Vote x 5
Fairfax 21 105 105
Fauquier 189 945 945
Loudoun 614 3,070 3,070
Manassas 45 225 225
Manassas Park 13 65 65
Prince William 254 1,270 1,270
Rappahannock 21 105 105
Total 1,157 5,785 5,785
The delegates and alternates shall be elected in county and city mass meetings, party canvasses or
conventions that shall be called for this purpose in conformity with the Plan of Organization of the
Republican Party of Virginia by each unit committee.
The delegates present for a Unit delegation shall designate which alternate delegate(s) shall vote
in the place of an absent delegate(s) except where the electing body has determined another method
of alternate delegate selection. The delegates present and voting at the Convention shall cast the
full vote of the Unit delegation with proportionate weight given to majority and minority vote.
Military Members as Delegates
Any Military Member (any members of the Virginia National Guard, or the United States Armed
Forces, Merchant Marine, or Coast Guard currently serving on active duty) who complies with
these filing requirements (i.e., qualified under Article I to participate in Republican Party actions
and who complies with the procedures set forth in the Official Call of their Unit process), and who
produces valid military identification or other proof of active-duty status, shall not be required to
be elected, but shall be declared a delegate pursuant to Article VIII, Section H. of the Plan of
Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia. Delegates certified in this manner shall count
towards each unit’s maximum number of delegates.
Military Member Delegates who are unable to attend the convention in person due to obligations
of their official military orders, shall have their votes cast within their unit delegation according to
candidate preference ballots. Candidate preference ballots shall list the Military Member’s rank
order preference among candidates. Their votes shall be cast for the highest ranked choice
candidate who remains eligible to receive a vote in a particular round of voting.
Candidate preference ballots shall be made available by the District Chairman or designee at least
twenty days prior to the convention (by 5:00 PM on Saturday, April 6, 2024). Ballots must be
returned to the District Chairman or his designee no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, April 23,
2024. The Chairman or designee shall cause the ballots received to be certified to the credentials
committee to be tabulated with each unit’s votes.
Registration of Delegates
Registration of delegates shall begin at 8:30 AM and shall conclude at 10:30 AM. The
Convention shall be called to order at 10:00 AM. All persons wishing to participate in the
Convention must present themselves during registration times to verify and receive their
credentials. Those in line at the close of registration shall be permitted to register, but no one shall
join the line after 10:30 AM.
In order to receive credentials at the Convention, each delegate must present a valid, non-expired
photo identification issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of its political subdivisions,
the United States government, or a United States college or university.
Election for District Chairman and Elector shall be by plurality vote; the candidate receiving the
highest number of votes is elected.
The three candidates for State Central Committee member receiving the highest number of votes
are elected.
No provisional, absentee, or proxy voting will be permitted. Delegates must cast their own ballots.
Names of the candidates shall appear on the ballot as determined by lot.
Balloting shall not begin before 11:00 AM.
The Elections Committee shall design procedures to permit candidates (or their designees) to
observe balloting and counting of ballots. The Elections Committee may enact such rules as it
deems appropriate in its discretion to ensure the integrity and security of the voting process.
Candidacy Filing Requirements
Candidates for election as District Chairman of the 10th Congressional District Republican
Committee must pre-file by submitting the official candidacy filing form along with remitting the
required, non-refundable filing fee of $1,000.00 (One Thousand Dollars).
Candidates for election for member of the State Central Committee must pre-file by submitting
the official candidacy filing form along with remitting the required, non-refundable filing fee of
$250.00 (Two Hundred Fifty Dollars).
Candidates for Elector from the 10th Congressional District must pre-file by submitting the official
candidacy filing form along with remitting the required, non-refundable filing fee of $250.00 (Two
Hundred Fifty Dollars).
MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:00 PM on Saturday, February 10, 2024. Postmarks will not
govern; actual receipt is required.
No nominations shall be accepted from the floor of the District Convention.
All filing fees shall be made payable to the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee.
The District Chairman has designated the following individual to receive candidacy filings:
Candidacy Filing Coordinator
Name: Dottie Miller
Address: 14008 Aden Road, Nokesville, VA 20181
Phone: 703-628-5714
Email: [email protected]
Candidacy filing forms are available online at www.virginia.gop and www.vagop10.org.
Candidacy filing forms may also be obtained by contacting the Candidacy Filing Coordinator.
Certification of Convention Delegates/Alternates by Units
Delegates and alternate delegates to the District Convention so elected by their respective units
shall be certified in accordance with Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia,
including contact information: respective names, addresses (including city and zip codes), and
email address and phone number (if provided).
Every person elected as a delegate or alternate to the District Convention will be required to
pay a $25.00 (Twenty-Five Dollar) registration fee. This mandatory, non-refundable fee will be
paid to the unit represented and the unit will forward it to the District Committee. Mandatory fees
collected will be used to assist with the cost and expenses of holding the District Convention.
Failure to pay the registration fee will result in the disqualification of the delegate or alternate
Units shall certify delegates and alternate delegates selected to attend the District Convention to
the District Chairman and District Treasurer by using one of the following official methods. Only
one method should be used to provide official certification.
METHOD 1/Electronic (preferred):
Electronically by following the instructions and procedures which will be provided by
email to all unit chairmen by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 1, 2024. The electronic method
will provide the certification to the District Chairman and District Treasurer.
METHOD 2/Mail or Personal Delivery:
By mail or personal delivery by following the instructions and procedures which will be
provided by email to all unit chairmen by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 1, 2024. Such
completed certifications must be mailed or delivered to the District Chairman and District
Treasurer and received by the filing deadline.
Units must also certify that the unit call for the mass meeting, canvass, or convention from which
delegates or alternates were elected to the District Convention was published on the Republican
Party of Virginia website at www.virginia.gop. The call may also be published on any other
appropriate unit or district web sites.
Regardless of the certification method utilized, all unit certifications of delegates/alternates
must be received with appropriate filing fees by the District Chairman and District
Treasurer by 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 7, 2024. Postmarks will not govern; actual receipt
is required.
After the filing deadline of the certification, no change may be made except for a certified alternate
delegate may be made a delegate.
Convention Committees
The temporary Credentials, Logistics/Arrangements, Nominations, Rules, Tellers Committees and
their members shall be appointed by the District Chairman and shall meet in advance of the
Convention (at the discretion of the Temporary Chairman of each such Committee and the District
Chairman) to perform their duties subject to ratification by the delegates present and voting at the
Uncontested Offices/Cancellation of Convention
If any office has only one candidate properly file to be elected (or for State Central Committee, no
more than three candidates file), the candidate for that office shall be deemed to be elected. Should
there be no contested offices for the Convention to decide, the Convention will be canceled.
Call Revisions
The District Chairman is authorized to revise the issued Call to make any such technical or
conforming changes in the event such changes are necessary. The District Chairman must
promptly notify the District Committee of any such technical or conforming changes.
Publication of Call
Convention call will be posted online as permitted by RPV Party Plan and distributed by other
electronic means.
Paid for and Authorized by the
10th Congressional District Republican Committee
Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Committee
Geary M Higgins, Chairman
10th Congressional District Republican Committee
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 540-664-1530