- This event has passed.
Chairman Elections of the Republican Committee
20098 Ashbrook Place, Suite 150,
Ashburn, VA 20147
between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on
Saturday, March 16th, 2024
We will be having the elections of our new Chairman on March 16th at the address below. The Chairman will serve for a two-year term. As Chairman, they decide the direction, organization and foundation of the Republican Party for Loudoun County.
See below for formal instructions.
As Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) of the Republican Party of Virginia, and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as directed by the Committee, I, H. Scott Pio, do hereby issue this call for a Canvass to be held at the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee Headquarters, 20098 Ashbrook Place, Suite 150, Ashburn, VA 20148, or an alternate site, between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on Saturday, March 16th, 2024, for the following purposes:
- To elect a Loudoun County Republican Committee
B.) To elect up to 342 precinct members, and up to 102 at-large members of the Loudoun County Republican Committee.
- To elect Delegates and/or Alternate Delegates to the 10th Congressional District Republican Convention (the number of which are stated in the Convention Call issued by the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee) to be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at John Champe High School located at 41535 Sacred Mountain Street, Aldie, VA 20105 or alternative site for the purposes of electing a District Chairman, an Elector, and three members of the State Central Committee.
- To elect Delegates and/or Alternate Delegates to the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) Convention (the number of which are stated in the Convention Call issued by the RPV) to be held on Friday, May 31 and Saturday, June 1, 2024 at the Hampton Roads Convention Center located at 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA 23666 for the purposes of electing two Electors At-Large and nominating a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman. As only one candidate filed for RPV Chairman, no vote for that position will occur at the RPV Convention.
E.) And for the transaction of such other business as may properly be conducted during the Canvass. There shall be no resolutions brought to the Loudoun County Republican Committee Canvass.
Qualifications for Participation
All legal and qualified voters of Loudoun County under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required, their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in this Canvass, subject to the provisions in Article I of the Plan of Organization.
In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Official Committee, a person otherwise qualified hereunder shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party in the last five years. The exception to this rule shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future.
Participation by Loudoun County Republican voters in the June 2023 Democrat Primary is a one-time exception to the rule against participation in a nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party.
Any voter who, subsequent to making a statement of intent, publicly supports a candidate in opposition to a Republican nominee is not qualified to participate as a member of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries for a period of four years.
Filing Requirements for Committee Membership and Convention Delegate
Candidates for Delegate to the 10th Congressional District Convention, Delegate to the RPV Convention, and/or membership to the Loudoun County Republican Committee must meet the above qualifications, and shall file a fully executed official filing form available at www.LoudounGOP.com with appropriate fee(s): 1) through the electronic form and payment option at www.LoudounGOP.com, 2) by U.S. Mail to the Scott Pio, LCRC, 45396 Hidden Acres Way, Sterling, VA 20165, 386-290-4108, or 3) by delivery to Scott Pio, LCRC, 45396 Hidden Acres Way, Sterling, VA 20165, 386-290-4108, not later than 5:00 pm local time on Sunday, February 25th, 2024.
For mailed forms, postmarks shall not govern. The filing form will include a Statement of Qualification that must be signed by the person indicating his/her intent to support all Republican nominees in the ensuing election. Only candidates who have properly filed by the stated date and time with the required fee shall be eligible for election. There shall be no nominations during the Canvass.
Filing Requirements for Loudoun County Republican Committee Chairman
Candidates for office of Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee must meet the above qualifications, and shall file in writing a signed statement to that effect, and return same with the $150 fee 1) by U.S. mail to the Sharon Sadler, LCRC, 215 Saint Johns Square, Sterling, VA 20164, 804-516-6171, or 2) by delivery to Sharon Sadler, 215 Saint Johns Square, Sterling, VA 20164, 804-516-6171 not later than 5:00 PM local time on Sunday, February 18th, 2024. Postmarks shall not govern.
Only candidates who have properly filed by the stated date and time with the required fee shall be eligible for election. There shall be no nominations during the Canvass. In the event there shall be only one duly filed candidate for Chairman, he or she shall be deemed elected by acclamation.
All persons wishing to participate in the LCRC Party Canvass to vote for LCRC Chairman must present themselves between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM to check-in and vote. Those in line at the close of the Canvass shall be permitted to check-in, but no one shall join the line after 2:00 PM.
In order to receive a ballot, the voter must present a valid, non-expired photo identification issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of its political subdivisions, the United States government, or a United States college or university.
A statement of intent, properly completed and signed by the voter or stated verbally, must be provided at the time of Party Canvass check-in. No ballot will be given to any voter who has not signed and submitted this statement of intent or delivered the statement of intent verbally.
No absentee voting, proxies, or provisional ballots are permitted.
No registration fees are required for voting in this Party Canvass.
Votes will be counted only for those candidates whose names appear on the official ballot. No write-in votes will be permitted. The Canvass will elect Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee by majority vote.
Military Members as Delegates
Military Members (any members of the Virginia National Guard, or the United States Armed Forces, Merchant Marine, or Coast Guard currently serving on active duty) who comply with these filing requirements shall not be required to be elected but shall be declared delegates to the 10th Congressional District Convention and RPV Convention pursuant to Article VIII, Section H. of the Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia.
Military Member delegates or alternate delegates that are unable to attend the 10th Congressional District Convention and/or RPV Convention in person due to obligations of their official military orders, shall have their votes cast within their unit delegation according to candidate preference ballots. Instructions regarding the casting of candidate preference ballots will be available in the Calls for the Conventions, which are available on the website of the RPV.
There are no Military Member absentee voting provisions for the Loudoun County Republican Committee Chairman Party Canvass.
Filing Fees
Candidates for the above elections shall pay a filing fee in accordance with the following schedule:
A.) Candidate for office of Chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee: (required non-refundable fee) $150
B.) Candidate for Member of the Loudoun County Republican Committee:
(required non-refundable fee) $50
C.) Candidate for Associate Member of the Loudoun County Republican Committee:
(required non-refundable fee) $25
D.) Candidate for Delegate to 10th Congressional District Convention
Note: This Convention is ONLY for the election of the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee Chairman, Elector, and State Central Committee members; Nomination of House of Representatives candidate will be by State Primary on June 18, 2024.
(required non-refundable fee) $25
E.) Candidate for Delegate to RPV Convention
Note: This Convention is ONLY for the election of two Electors At-Large and National Committeeman and National Committeewoman; Nomination of U.S. Senate candidate will be by State Primary on June 18, 2024.
(required non-refundable fee) $45
If the number of candidates who file for all offices to be elected at the Canvass (Chairman, LCRC Member, and Delegates to the 10th District Convention and RPV Convention) does not exceed the maximum number that can be elected, then all duly filed candidates shall be deemed elected and the Canvass will be canceled.
Canvass Committees
Chairmen and members of the Canvass Committees shall be appointed by the LCRC Chairman and shall meet in advance of the Canvass on the call of the appointed Committee Chairmen and/or the LCRC Chairman to perform their duties. These committees shall include Nominations, Credentials, Rules, Tellers, and/or other committees that the LCRC Chairman deems necessary.
This Call for a Canvass shall be published on the Republican Party of Virginia website as well as the Loudoun County Republican Committee website.
Paid for and authorized by the Loudoun County Republican Committee.
Post Office Box 547, Leesburg, Virginia 20178 | 703-627-5272 | www.LoudounGOP.com |