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You are cordially invited to participate in a forum hosted by our Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) in conjunction with the Belmont Republicans Club (BRC):

U.S. Senate Candidates for Virginia Forum:

  • April 24, 2024 (6:00pm-8:30pm)
  • Dinner buffet
  • Moderated by Larry O’Connor, WMAL radio

The forum theme is: Making a Local Impact at the Federal Level. LCRC forum questions will focus on the impact of federal issues on Loudoun County and your proposed solutions to those issues. The forums will conclude with an audience vote using hand-counted paper ballots. 

Two-hundred tickets will be sold for each forum including breakfast tickets for the Congressional forum at $40/person and dinner tickets for the Senate forum at $50/person. 

Dress code will be business casual.

All candidates will have an opportunity to purchase a Sponsorship Table, located in the hallway leading to the forum venue.

The forum will be recorded by the LCRC and provided to WMAL for broadcast on their programs. Please note that, due to restrictions of the event venue, no live-streaming is allowed. Members of the press are not invited with the exception of representatives from WMAL who are participating as moderators in the event.


  • Guests check-in, dine, shop silent auction items
  • Forum begins
  • Welcome by LCRC Chair, Pledge of Allegiance, and prayer
  • Moderator introduces each candidate and reviews forum format
  • Forum
  • Intermission to vote, and place final silent auction bids
  • Announcement of winner and conclusion
NO REFUNDS for purchased tickets.  Seating is limited and given to the venue to plan for food.  Because of that, we cannot provide refunds.



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