The Committee

Plan of Organization

P.O. Box 547
Leesburg, VA 20178
(703) 627-5272
Plan of Organization, Loudoun County Republican Party
Mission To maximize participation in Republican affairs on the part of all supporters of Republican candidates and philosophies.
Strategy To promote acceptance of Conservative ideals and positively catalyze voters through the synergy realized through individual committees coordinating their efforts through frequent sharing of information and support of planned activities
The GOAL of the Loudoun County Republican Party is to turn Loudoun County “Red” through political means and elections of conservative candidates.
The purpose of this plan is to guide the activities of the Loudoun County Republican Party (hereafter referred to as LCRC) to advance the founding principles in the Declaration of Independence.
Adopted: 08/07/1971
Record of Revisions
Plan of Organization, Loudoun County Republican Party
ARTICLE I, Qualifications for Participation in Party Actions 4
ARTICLE II, Definitions 5
ARTICLE III, County Committee 6
A. Membership 6
B. Election and Term 7
C. Duties 8
D. Quorum and Dues 9
E. Proxies (n/a ex-officio members) 10
F. Rules 10
ARTICLE IV, LCRC Officers 11
A. LCRC Chair 11
B. 1st and 2nd Vice Chairs 11
C. Secretary 12
D. Treasurer 12
E. Parliamentarian 13
F. Sergeant-at-Arms 13
G. Election District Chairs, Vice Chairs, Precinct Captains 13
H. Subcommittee Chairs, Authorities and Responsibilities 14
I. Officers in General 14
ARTICLE V, LCRC Standing Subcommittees 15
A. Executive Committee 15
B. District Committees 15
C. Candidate Search, Endorsement, and Support Committee 16
D. Communications Committee 16
E. Data Committee 17
F. Election Integrity Committee 17
G. Finance and Fundraising Committee 17
H. Get Out the Vote Committee 18
I. GOP Association Committee 18
J. Issues and Legislation Committee 18
K. Membership Committee 19
L. Outreach Committee 19
M. Political Operations Committee 20
N. Precinct Operations Committee 20
O. Special Events Committee 20
P. Technology Committee 21
Q. Subcommittees in General 21
ARTICLE VI, LCRC Standing Positions 22
A. Historian/Photographer 22
B. Quartermaster 22
ARTICLE VII, Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions, Primaries 23
A. Call Requirements 23
ARTICLE VIII, Rulings and Appeals 26
A. Rulings 26
B. Contests 26
C. Finality 28
ARTICLE IX, Miscellaneous 29
ARTICLE X,  Amendments 30
Appendix A – Proxy Policy 31
 ARTICLE I, Qualifications for Participation in Party Actions
a. All legal and qualified voters under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, regardless of race, religion, national origin or sex, who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who, if requested, express in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election may participate as members of the Republican Party of Virginia in its mass meetings, party canvasses, conventions, or primaries encompassing their respective election districts.
b. Paragraphs c and d shall cease having any effect at such time as the Election Laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall provide for party registration. At that time, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate official committee, only those registered as Republicans may be deemed to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party.
c. In addition to the foregoing, to be in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, unless otherwise stipulated by the appropriate Official Committee, a person otherwise qualified hereunder shall not have participated in Virginia in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party in the last five years.
d. A single exception to Paragraph c shall be approved for a voter that renounces affiliation with any other party in writing, and who expresses in writing that he/she is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party and intends, at the time of the writing, to support the nominees of the Republican Party in the future. Any voter that utilizes the foregoing exception, and thereafter participates in the nomination process of a party other than the Republican Party, shall not thereafter have the benefit of the exception identified in this paragraph.
e. A person who has made application for registration and meets all other requirements of Article I, but whose name does not appear on the local registration books solely because of the books having been closed in connection with a local election, will nevertheless be deemed a legal and qualified voter.
f. All LCRC Officers, Members, and Proxies; Delegates to the Conventions; and voters in Mass Meetings or Party Canvasses must be members of the Republican Party as defined above and must be legally qualified voters of the respective Election Districts which they represent. Participation in the nomination of any candidate for public office shall not be conditioned on the payment of a registration fee; however, the LCRC may request voluntary payment of a registration fee.
ARTICLE II, Definitions
Convention defined in Robert’s Rules of Order subject to the provisions of the County Party Plan and the State Party Plan
County Committee Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC)
County Party Plan Plan of Organization of the LCRC
Election District the County, Election District, Precinct, or combinations of such political subdivisions, which comprise the area defined by law in which an election is to be held
Ex-Officio the person holding the office and shall not be construed to mean with or without vote
LCRC Loudoun County Republican Committee
Mass Meeting defined in Robert’s Rules of Order subject to the provisions of the County Party Plan and the State Party Plan
National Party Republican National Committee
Notice (effective) when mailed to a member’s last known mailing and/or email address
Party Canvass a method of electing the Chair and Members of the LCRC, Delegates to Conventions, or Party Nominees, which shall include prefiling of candidates, then secret balloting by Party members at convenient polling places and hours after proper notice
Precinct Captain controls external volunteer activity at polls. during voting
Primary defined in and subject to the Election Laws of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Loudoun County
Proxy Grantor person issuing a proxy to a surrogate meeting attendee
Proxy Holder person attending a meeting in place of another member
Robert’s Rules of Order the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised
State Party Republican Party of Virginia
State Party Plan Plan of Organization of the Republican Party of Virginia
ARTICLE III, County Committee
A. Membership
a. The Chair of the LCRC shall be a member ex-officio.
b. Precinct Seats – There shall be one precinct seat for each full three hundred (three hundred) votes cast in that precinct for the Republican Presidential Elector in the most recent presidential election and the Republican nominee for Governor in the most recent gubernatorial election. If no seats are created, there shall be one precinct seat for each precinct.
c. The names of individuals nominated for election will be provided to LCRC members not less than seven days prior to a meeting for such purpose.
d. The number of at-large seats shall not exceed 30 percent of the precinct members of the Committee, excluding the ex-officio members, plus the Chair.
e. Public Officials – Each State Senator, State Delegate, County Supervisor, and Constitutional Officer, residing in and representing Loudoun County, elected or appointed as a Republican, shall be a member of the LCRC ex-officio, unless said Public Official has declared his intent to oppose the nominated candidate of the LCRC in any upcoming election, and/or declared himself an independent candidate or a member of another political party. A public official, to remain an ex-officio member of the LCRC, shall be subject to the requirements of the Plan of Organization of LCRC.
f. Associate Membership: Any person who meets the qualifications for membership in the Committee, pays the required dues, and complies with the State Party Plan, may become an Associate Member of the LCRC upon the Membership Committee verifying that person’s qualification. Associate Members shall receive notice of the Committee meetings and invited to attend. Associate Members shall be non-voting, shall not count toward quorum, and attendance policy shall not apply. Dues shall be set at 50% of the amount established for Precinct Seat Committee Members. An Associate Member shall be removed from the roll by failure to pay membership dues or as otherwise specified by the Plan of Organization.
Associate members may apply to become full members by paying the difference in dues between associate membership and full members. If that member was demoted from full membership to associate during a membership year, the member may reapply for full membership based on current membership requirements. 
g. Honorary Associate Membership: Any person who is not a resident of Loudoun County yet is in accord with the principles of the Republican Party, and who, if requested, expresses in open meeting either orally or in writing as may be required their intent to support all of its nominees for public office in the ensuing election, and who pays the required dues and complies with the State Party Plan, may become an Honorary Associate Member of the Loudoun County Republican Committee. Honorary Members shall be non-voting, shall not count toward quorum, and attendance policy shall not apply. Dues shall be set at the same amount established for Associate Membership.
h. Eligibility: To remain eligible for membership on the LCRC, members (either Chair, Precinct Seats, At-large, Public Officials, Associate, or Honorary Associate Members) shall not support any candidate opposing a nominee of the Republican Party. The activities listed below are a nonexclusive list which are grounds for removal from the County Committee. This section shall be superseded by any aspect of the State Party Plan which may be to the contrary. Any process of removal shall comply with the State Party Plan:
• Contributing funds of any amount;
• Displaying or distributing literature;
• Sponsoring events;
• Giving speeches on behalf of said person or promoting the election of said person on social media;
• Working on another candidate’s campaign committee;
• Permitting another candidate to list the LCRC member as a supporter;
• Publicly endorsing another candidate;
• Engaging in any other activity designed to support another candidate; or
• Participating in another Party’s caucus, canvass, convention, or primary.
B. Election and Term
a. The Precinct and At-Large members of the LCRC shall be elected by the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Primary, or Convention called for the purpose of electing delegates to the Congressional District Republican Convention for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected, unless sooner removed or resigned.
b. The number of precinct and at large seats shall be calculated once every two (2) years when a new LCRC is elected.
c. LCRC members shall take office upon their election.
d. Vacancies shall be filled by the LCRC. Precinct and at-large membership vacancies shall be filled by majority vote only after due notice of the meeting for such purpose has been given to all members.
e. Any precinct or at-large member who fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the LCRC (including meetings that adjourn for lack of a quorum) shall be transitioned to Associate Membership unless said meetings are missed due to the member’s attendance of conflicting meetings of Loudoun County or the Commonwealth of Virginia or National Committees or Boards as appointed by a Republican official.
f. Any precinct or at-large member may notify the membership Chair to change their membership type to associate membership.
g. Any associate member may apply to fill a precinct or at-large member vacancy by paying the difference between the associate member dues and the precinct seat committee member dues. Upon majority vote of the committee the applicant’s membership status shall be adjusted appropriately.
h. Any precinct member who moves to a new precinct shall, upon notifying the secretary, become a member of the new precinct if there is a vacant seat. Otherwise, that member shall become a member at-large if there is a vacant at-large seat. If the previous positions are not relevant, that member shall remain a member of the prior precinct until the next LCRC reformation. Any precinct or at-large member who moves from the County shall be placed into Honorary Associate Membership.
C. Duties
a. The LCRC shall represent the Republican Party in Loudoun County, provide for the election of delegates to Republican conventions, provide for the nomination of Republican candidates for public office, and work to elect Republican nominees to public office.
b. Except where state law contravenes, LCRC shall determine whether candidates for local and constitutional public offices shall be nominated by Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary and whether LCRC Chair and LCRC Members shall be elected by Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary, and it shall determine prefiling requirements.
c. LCRC shall call all regular Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions, or Primaries and such special Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions, or Primaries as it deems necessary, and make necessary arrangements including the time and place and, if a Convention, the basis of representation.
d. LCRC shall cooperate with the State Central Committee, the 10th Congressional District Committee, the Legislative District Committees within its boundaries, and local Republican Campaign Committees in conducting all elections and fund-raising activities.
e. If no candidate for public office is nominated by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary called for such nomination and in the absence of an instruction to the contrary by such Mass Meeting or Convention, LCRC may nominate a candidate by two thirds (2/3) vote of those members present and voting, after due notice of the meeting for such purpose has been given to all members.
f. If a candidate for public office nominated by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Convention, or Primary withdraws or otherwise becomes unable to run, it may nominate a candidate by two thirds (2/3) vote of those members present and voting, after due notice of meeting for such purpose has been given to all members.
g. LCRC may endorse a candidate for public office. The committee may require a candidate seeking endorsement of the committee to remit a fee if such fee does not exceed twice the primary filing fee for that office. It may require the candidate to sign a statement indicating the candidate’s intent to support all Republican Party nominees for public office in the ensuing election.
h. The committee may remove from membership any elected or ex-officio member of the LCRC or subcommittee by the vote of two thirds (2/3) of the other members of the LCRC, after furnishing that person with notice that such removal will be sought, with the charges, in writing, signed by not less than one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the LCRC; and allowing thirty (30) days within which to appear and offer defense.
i. LCRC shall have sole authority over all expenditures and borrowing of money for which it is responsible. It may approve expenditures specifically or by adoption of a budget.
j. It shall be responsible to meet duly allocated shares of the 10th Congressional District Committee and State Party operating budgets.
k. All LCRC meetings shall be held in a building appropriate for public use and shall be open to the public.
D. Quorum and Dues
• quorum: forty percent (40%) of the voting members determined prior to the beginning of the meeting by assigned members of the Membership Committee notifying the Secretary;
• dues: Precinct and At-large members: $50 per two-year term. 
• by the first LCRC meeting following the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Primary, or Convention at which the new LCRC is elected;
• at the time of the member’s nomination to the LCRC.
• Dues: Associate Members: 50% of the then-current amount established for Precinct and At-large members. Associate membership dues shall follow the term of Precinct and At-Large members of the LCRC.
• Shall furnish membership cards for each member.
E. Proxies (n/a ex-officio members)
a. The Loudoun County Republican Committee operates under Robert’s Rules of Order (as amended). Under Robert’s Rules, “a member need not be present when the question is put. Exceptions to this rule must be expressly stated in the bylaws. Such possible exceptions include: (a) voting by postal mail, e-mail, or fax, and (b) by proxy voting.”
b. “Proxy voting is not permitted in ordinary deliberative assemblies unless the laws of the state in which the society is incorporated require it, or the charter or bylaws of the organization provide for it.” (Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th Edition)
• The LCRC recognizes three types of proxies:
o General proxy: The holder of the proxy has discretion to do whatever the holder wishes at the meeting and can speak, make motions, second motions, and vote on all issues.
o Limited proxy: The holder of the proxy can only vote on certain issues at the meeting.
o Directed proxy: The holder of the proxy can only vote as directed
(See Appendix A – Proxy Policy)
F. Rules
The LCRC Chair (or the Chair’s designee) shall govern and conduct LCRC meetings by first the State Party Plan and then LCRC Party Plan. All meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order. 
A. LCRC Chair
The LCRC Chair shall be elected from Loudoun County by the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, Primary, or Convention called for the purpose of electing delegates to the 10th Congressional District Republican Convention, for a term of two (2) years or until the Chair’s successor is elected (unless sooner removed or resigned).
The LCRC Chair shall:
• convene the LCRC when the needs of the Party so demand, but in no event less than once during each three (3) month period;
• preside at the meetings of the LCRC; 
• send written notice of call for an LCRC meeting to all members of the LCRC not less than seven (7) days before such meeting, which notice shall include the agenda for the meeting and the minutes including attendance of the previous meeting. The agenda shall also include the members seeking membership within LCRC;
• appoint and remove subcommittee Chairs and members, except those who sit ex-officio;
• form, with the approval of the LCRC, a temporary subcommittee;
• formulate party goals, policies, and programs for adoption by the LCRC;
• be responsible for the operation of the Loudoun County Republican Headquarters;
• if the budget allows, hire staff;
• represent Loudoun County on the 10th Congressional District Republican Committee;
• issue and publicize Calls for Unit Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, or Conventions and preside until a temporary organization is effected; and
• perform all other duties outlined in the State Party Plan.
B. 1st and 2nd Vice Chairs
The 1st Vice Chair shall: 
• function as Chair in the absence or disability of the Chair; 
• perform other duties assigned by the Chair. 
The 2nd Vice Chair shall:
• act as Chair in the absence or disability of both the Chair and the 1st Vice Chair;
• perform other duties assigned by the Chair.
C. Secretary
The Secretary shall:
• keep the minutes and records of the LCRC meetings, which records shall be the property of the LCRC;
• hold and archive all official documentation of the LCRC;
• countersign all official documents used by the LCRC;
• call a LCRC meeting upon petition of one-third (1/3) of the membership of the LCRC;
• serve as the secretary of all County Mass Meetings and Conventions until a temporary organization thereof is effected; and
• prior to each meeting, provide a written bulletin (drawn from information provided by committees provided in time for the secretary to prepare) to allow knowledgeable input at the meeting and formulation of actions derived from the current meeting;
• discharge other duties assigned by the Chair.
D. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
• be the official custodian of the funds and financial records of the LCRC;
• disburse money only as authorized by the Party Plan;
• prepare an annual budget and present it to the LCRC for approval no later than November of the preceding calendar year;
• prepare regular reports on the status of funds;
• open bank accounts in the name of the LCRC, make deposits and draw checks upon   those accounts, and borrow money with the approval of the LCRC;
• at the request of 1/3 of the membership of the LCRC, have an accountant audit or an ad hoc committee review the LCRC’s books and financial records, and report the results to the LCRC; and
• submit the LCRC’s campaign finance reports to the Virginia State Board of Elections in a timely manner.
E. Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian shall advise the County Chair and the LCRC’s members regarding Robert’s Rules of Order and the County Party Plan.
F. Sergeant-at-Arms
Appointed by the Executive Committee, the Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for maintaining order and adherence to established rules and protocols during general meetings. While performing assigned duties, the Sergeant-at-arms shall endevor to avoid confrontation whenever possible. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall:
• monitor the main entryway to each meeting, precluding entry of media or press;
• be alert for loud, inattentive members (most often in the back of the meeting room);
• politely invite inattentive and loud members to move to the parlor room where they may continue their off-topic discussions without interruption;
• if necessary, take approporiate action to eject unruly participants from the meeting room;
• count votes in the event of a hand count vote. If necessary, another mamber may be appointed to perform a hand vote count.
G. Election District Chairs, Vice Chairs, Precinct Captains
Aa officers of the LCRC, Election District Chairs shall:
• be elected by a caucus of the LCRC members from the district, and in all other respects according to the general rules for electing officers;
• appoint a Vice and Second Vice Chair;
• appoint, for each precinct in the district, a Precinct Captain who need not be a resident of the precinct nor a member of the LCRC;
• be responsible for organizing Republican volunteers in the district; and
• call an annual District Committee meeting where a majority shall constitute a quorum;
In the absence of the Election District Chair, the Vice Chair may be appointed as an officer for the time of meetings and shall:
• be authorized to assume all the duties and responsibilities of the Chair;
Precinct Captains shall:
• be responsible for organizing Republican volunteers in the precinct.
H. Subcommittee Chairs, Authorities and Responsibilities
• Each subcommittee Chair, as outlined in the County Party Plan, is deemed an officer of the LCRC.
• Each subcommittee Chair shall appoint a 1st vice Chair and 2nd vice Chair of the subcommittee.
• If the Chair of the subcommittee is unavailable, a Vice Chair may be appointed to function as the Chair  for the meeting.
• Any ad-hoc or temporary subcommittee Chair formed by the LCRC Chair shall not be deemed an officer of the LCRC.
I. Officers in General
• Except for the County Chair and subcommittee officers appointed by the Chair, all officers shall be elected at the first LCRC meeting following the biannual election of the Chair.
• Except for the Chair, Parliamentarian, and subcommittee officers appointed by the Chair, each officer shall be elected from the membership of the LCRC and shall hold office only so long as he remains a member of the LCRC. Each officer shall hold office for the balance of the Chair’s two (2) year term, unless sooner removed or resigned.
• An officer shall take office upon his election or upon approval by the LCRC of his appointment.
• Vacancies shall be filled by the LCRC, only after due notice of the meeting for such purpose has been given to all members.
ARTICLE V, LCRC Standing Subcommittees
A. Executive Committee
Mission To provide high-level guidance and direction to the membership, encouraging active participation in positioning and growing the influence of the Republican party in Loudoun County, Virginia
Strategy With careful planning and judicial subcommittee oversight, ensure the highest possible support for Republican Party activities and growth in Loudoun County, Virginia
The Executive Committee shall consist of all LCRC officers and a representative of each Loudoun County Republican-related organization. Each subcommittee is entitled to one vote on the Executive Committee and the Chair of each subcommittee shall be an officer of the LCRC. The Executive Committee shall:
• act for the LCRC when the latter is not in session and shall be subject to the direction of the LCRC;
• meet when called by the LCRC Chair, who will Chair the Executive Committee’s meetings at which a majority of LCRC officers will constitute a quorum;
• maintain a 7-year executive goal setting plan, to be updated and improved as seen fit. This 7-year plan shall detail the goal of “turning Loudoun County Red” resulting in the majority of elected offices in Loudoun County being filled by Republicans. If the County is majority Republican, then the Executive Committee shall detail the plan to “keep Loudoun County Red.”
• The prior Chair of the LCRC shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
B. District Committees
Mission To deliver the maximum number of Republican votes in each magisterial district in Loudoun County, Virginia
Strategy To manage and control activities of the magisterial districts in Loudoun County, Virginia during election day events through In-person recruitment of volunteers and distribution of materials supporting the LCRC’s mission
In each Election District there shall be a District Committee consisting of the Election District Committee Chair, the District Committee Vice and Second Vice Chair, members, and the Precinct Captains serving in the district. The District Committee Chair and Vice Chair shall:
• maintain the District Committee portion of the 7-year plan as described in the Executive Committee;
• be responsible for periodic social events, back-to-school nights, early voting, and Election Day activities.
C. Candidate Search, Endorsement, and Support Committee
Mission To identify, recruit, and equip the most qualified candidates to run for office in Loudoun County
Strategy To acquire, maintain, and (in turn) provide to identified potential Republican candidates as much information and guidance as possible to support them and provide sufficient information to aid in the decision whether to run for office in Loudoun County
The Candidate Search, Endorsement, and Support Committee shall perform two related functions: (1) Candidate Search, and (2) Candidate Endorsement and Support. The committee shall consist of the Committee Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, a liaison appointed by each District Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. The Chair will perform oversight and guidance, with the 1st Vice chair will direct the Candidate Search activities and the 2nd Vice chair will direct the Candidate Endorsement, and Support Committee activities. 
• The Committee shall recruit, interview, counsel, and support Republicans to run for public office.
• Any motion to endorse brought to the floor without the candidate having been reviewed by the Candidate Endorsement and Support Committee will require a two-thirds vote of the County Committee.
• interview and evaluate Republican candidates who seek the endorsement of the LCRC and provide in a timely manner to the LCRC a report of the evaluation.
D. Communications Committee
Mission To help Republican candidates win elections and create other positive outcomes by working with LCRC Committees and Loudoun County GOP campaigns to operationalize their messages
Strategy To refine our Loudoun County GOP brand, highlighting a positive vision while defining opponents’ negative positions. Use all venues to communicate LCRC messages focusing on reaching non-base voters and explaining to them how GOP values align with theirs
The Communications Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair.
• maintain and represent the brand of the LCRC;
• maintain the LCRC website (;
E. Data Committee
Mission To have and provide the most current metrics related to election activities in Loudoun County, Virginia
Strategy Using off-the-shelf software, accumulate relevant information from available sources, making relevant LCRC subcommittees aware of critical information to support Republican candidates in Loudoun County
The Data Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
F. Election Integrity Committee
Mission To establish the LCRC Election Integrity Committee as a leader among our Virginia and national peers: To increase public and voter confidence and protect vulnerable voters from exploitation.
Strategy Monitor, assess, and improve all aspects of the election process though oversight and intense management of the key components of state and local election activities including proposed and current legislation
The Election Integrity Committee shall consist of the Election Integrity Chair, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair.
G. Finance and Fundraising Committee
Mission To solicit, collect, and manage all funds for the Loudoun County Republican Committee, specifically coordinating with the Treasurer’s department to fund all budgets and projects approved by the Executive Committee and body at large, and to ensure, the most cost effective financial choices are made.
Strategy Promote and actively support fundraising activities performed by all LCRC subcommittees
The Finance and Fundraising Committee shall consist of the Finance and Fundraising Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
• work in tandem with the LCRC Treasurer to help manage the day-to-day operations of the treasury and to help prepare the annual budget;
• increase funding raised in the upcoming calendar year by an amount to be determined in conference by the Executive Committee prior to the end of the previous calendar year.
H. Get Out the Vote Committee
Mission Create a get out the vote effort for the voters of Loudoun County.
Strategy • Creating effective strategies to increase participation in voting and election day votes in our effort to turn Loudoun County Red.
The Get Out the Vote Committee shall consist of the committee’s Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair.
I. GOP Association Committee
Mission Create county-by-county and other local units’ grassroots collaboration to turn our country RED.
Strategy • Build cohesion to share winning strategies and best practices using GOPA secure software platform;
• Incorporate county/unit GOP Chair feedback and ideas to help each other win elections;
• Provide support for GOP County/Unit campaigns as needed.
The GOP Association Committee shall consist of the GOP Association Chair, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair.
J. Issues and Legislation Committee
Mission To champion issues important to Loudoun County, formulating actionable products, building coalitions, and lobbying for legislation on behalf of those issues
Strategy Formulating effective voter influence strategies, building coalitions, and supporting activism at the local, county, and state levels
The Issues and Legislation Committee shall provide and widely promote the ideological foundation that supports and drives the work of LCRC Committees. This committee shall consist of the Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
• research and champion issues important to Loudoun County voters;
• It shall formulate and review resolutions for approval of the LCRC;
• ensure that the LCRC receives, at least seven days prior to the LCRC’s monthly meeting, all actionable products proposed for consideration by the LCRC;
• try to include in the LCRC Chair’s monthly Call for a Meeting any actionable products to be proposed to the LCRC for consideration.
• Any actionable product brought to the floor without having been reviewed by the Issues and Legislation Committee will be referred to the Issues and Legislation Committee unless two-thirds of the LCRC members present wish the actionable product acted upon at that meeting. This shall be determined by a vote of the full committee. The presenter of the actionable product will be required to provide sufficient copies for the membership in order to have their resolution acted upon.
K. Membership Committee
Mission To ensure the orderly and structured operation of general membership meetings
Strategy To manage onboarding, education, and participation of LCRC members while adhering to the greatest extent possible, to the planned meeting agenda
• Membership rosters shall ONLY be provided to any requestor with approval of the LCRC Chair, and two-thirds of the leadership of membership committee.
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
• perform all business meeting check-in procedures for each business meeting;
• Hold monthly orientations at business meetings to orient new members to the LCRC members’ goals, tasks, and protocols;
• maintain the LCRC Membership List;
• monitor attendance at LCRC meetings to notify the Secretary and Election District Chairs about any full members who are in jeopardy of being dropped to associate members status (for failing to attend three consecutive LCRC meetings);
L. Outreach Committee
Mission To connect and engage with Loudoun County voters, sharing the LCRC’s values and increasing the county’s conservative and Republican voter base, spearheading local activism.
County’s i
Strategy To positively impact voter perception through events, community service activities, and other forms of in-person interaction
The Outreach Committee shall consist of the Outreach Chair, First and Second Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
M. Political Operations Committee
Mission To actively compromise the political integrity of opponents to LCRC and the opponent’s supported candidates
Strategy Through in-depth research, analysis, and messaging, increase public awareness of opponents to LCRC and the opponent’s supported candidates’ misrepresentations
The Political Operations Committee shall consist of the Political Operations Chair, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
N. Precinct Operations Committee
Mission To work strategically to deliver the maximum number of Republican votes in Loudoun County, precinct by precinct
Strategy To build and maintain a ground-up support operation through active election day participation and focused related events
The Precinct Operations Committee shall consist of the Precinct Operations Chair, First and Second Vice Chair, and all Election District Chairs and Vice Chairs. The Precinct Operations Committee shall:  
• ensure that the Election District Chairs and Vice Chairs are qualified and fully equipped to lead grass roots political volunteers.
• be responsible for staffing early voting and Election Day events and back-to-school night activities;
• be responsible for quarterly social events, back-to-school nights, early voting, and Election Day activities.
O. Special Events Committee
Mission To encourage conservative-leaning and Republican Loudoun County residents to join and grow the party’s numbers and influence in elections and county political administration
Strategy Through careful planning and aggressive promotion, carry out extra-ordinary events, encouraging a positive perception of the Republican Party and its ideals
The Special Events Committee shall consist of the Special Events Chair, 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. 
• ensure that the members of the LCRC are having fun.
P. Technology Committee
Mission To consult with all other LCRC subcommittees, collaborating and offering guidance to most efficiently use new and currently deployed technologies, increasing the effectiveness of the LCRC community as a whole
Strategy Maintaining current technology and interfacing with each committee and supported candidates to provide and enhance the technology solutions
The Technology Committee shall consist of the Technology Chair, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice, and members appointed by the LCRC Chair. The committee’s goal is to ensure that the LCRC has the best and most useful technology for winning elections.
Q. Subcommittees in General
The LCRC Chair may form, with approval of the LCRC, a temporary or ad hoc subcommittee, may appoint and remove subcommittee Chairs and members, and may dissolve a temporary subcommittee.
ARTICLE VI, LCRC Standing Positions
A. Historian/Photographer
Mission To build and maintain a true and accurate record of LCRC activities
Strategy To have available digital and tangible proof of positive activities and events performed by the LCRC for timely distribution to information channels in support of the LCRC mission
B. Quartermaster
Mission To ensure the efficient and timely provision of materiel and equipment in support of LCRC activities
Strategy To monitor, control, and maintain in good working order the equipment and supplies necessary to carry out the LCRC mission
ARTICLE VII, Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, Conventions, Primaries
Note:  The content in this section is a verbatim copy of that found in the Plan of Organization for the Republican Party of Virginia. Any references to the Republican Party of Virginia should be read to also impact the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC). While every effort has been made to ensure shared meaning between the LCRC and State plans, number or letter references to other sections of the document may not be an exact match. 
A. Call Requirements
1. All calls for State, District and Legislative District Conventions, shall be issued by the appropriate Chairman to the included Unit Chairman not less than thirty (30) days, except those calls for special elections, prior to the Convention date and published in their entirety on the website of the Republican Party of Virginia. Each call shall include:
a. The qualifications for membership in the Republican Party of Virginia as stated in Article I.
b. The time, place and purposes to the Convention.
c. The basis of representation to the Convention.
d. The number of Delegate votes to which all participating Election Districts are entitled.
e. The amount of the registration fee, if any. If one of the stated purposes of the Convention is to nominate persons for any public office, then the registration fee shall not exceed $25 in the case of a Unit, District or Legislative District Convention and shall not exceed $45 in the case of a State Convention.
2. All calls for Mass Meetings or Party Canvasses, or for Unit Conventions, shall be published in their entirety on the web site of the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) and on such unit and district web sites as may be available and appropriate not less than seven (7) days nor more than sixty (60) days, except those calls for special elections, prior to the Mass Meeting or Party Canvass. Calls published in any presidential election year shall be published at least fifteen (15) days in advance. Except in the case of a special election, no call shall be published earlier than January 1 of the year in which the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention will take place. Each call shall include:
a. The qualifications for membership in the Republican Party of Virginia as stated in Article I.
b. The time, place and purposes of the Mass Meeting or Party Canvass.
c. In the event a purpose is to elect Delegates to a Convention, the time, place, purpose of, and the basis of representation to the Convention.
d. If the purpose of the Mass Meeting or Party Canvass is solely to elect persons to Party office, then the amount of the registration fee, if any. However, if one of the stated purposes of the Mass Meeting or Party Canvass is to nominate persons for any public office, then there shall be no registration fee required. However, the call may publish a request for voluntary payment of a registration fee.
e. The declaration requirements for Military Members as per Article VIII, Section H, para 7, subsection a and Military Delegation Participation requirements as per Article VIII, Section H, para 7.2
3. In order to be a requirement for any election or nomination for public office by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, or Convention, pre-filing shall be approved by the appropriate Official Committee and the pre-filing requirement included in the call. The call, including the pre-filing requirement, must then be published at least seven (7) days prior to the pre-filing deadline. This publication requirement shall take precedence over the publication requirement of Article VIII, Section
A.2. Each person desiring to pre-file must file a statement prior to the deadline for pre-filing. The Official Committee or its Chairman, if authorized, may prescribe the use of a particular filing form for the required statement, in which case the official pre-filing form must be included with the call published on the RPV website. The Official Committee may, at its option, establish a filing fee for candidates for nomination for public office, as long as such fee does not exceed twice the primary filing fee for that office. Filing fees for any office are non-refundable.
4. A copy of the call shall be sent by e-mail to each member of the issuing committee who has an e-mail address on file with the committee and to the respective District Chairmen, in compliance with all the time requirements in Paragraphs 1,2 and 3 above.
5. It is the responsibility of the applicable Chairman to use the most effective means available, including news media, to adequately publicize Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, or Conventions with the purpose of encouraging maximum citizen involvement. This publicity shall include the method of Delegate selection.
6. In the event that a published call for any Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention shall differ in any respect from the call authorized by the Official Committee, the requirements of the published call, unless contested prior to adjournment or conclusion, shall upon adjournment or conclusion of the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, or Convention be conclusive and not thereafter subject to contest. Participation in a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, or Convention shall not prejudice the rights of any person signing a petition protesting the validity of such Mass Meeting, Party Canvass, or Convention.
7. A Mass Meeting or Convention may dispense with the reading of the call.
8. The State Central Committee shall adopt, and from time to time amend, recommended call forms, including all required provisions and identifying optional provisions. Recommended call forms shall be appended to the Party Plan but shall not be a part of the Plan.
9. If the number of persons prefiling as candidates for election or nomination by a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention does not exceed the number to be elected or nominated for a particular office, then the prefiled candidate or candidates may be declared elected or nominated by the Republican Party, if provided for in the call. If the number of persons prefiling as candidates for election or nomination for all offices to be decided upon by any Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention does not exceed the number ot be elected or nominated, then the candidates may be declared elected or nominated by the Republican Party and the Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention may be cancelled if provided for in the call.
10. If the number of persons seeking election as a member of a unit committee or as a delegate to a unit, district or state convention does not exceed the total number allowed by the State Party Plan, all candidates for such office who meet the requirements of Article I of the State Party Plan and, where required, any prefiling requirements, shall be deemed elected.
A unit Chairman shall document the reason(s) for determining that an individual, who is seeking election as a member of the unit committee or as a convention delegate, has been disqualified for the reason that the individual does not meet the Qualifications for Participation as stated in Article I and/or the unit’s prefiling requirements, if any, and shall provide such documentation with the certification of delegates required in Article VIII, Section H.
Additionally, an individual’s election may be challenged by any member and may be excluded by a two-thirds (2/3) vote.
11. Once a call has been published, the method of nomination may not be changed.
ARTICLE VIII, Rulings and Appeals
Note:  The content in this section is a verbatim copy of that found in the Plan of Organization for the Republican Party of Virginia. Any references to the Republican Party of Virginia should be read to also impact the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC). While every effort has been made to ensure shared meaning between the LCRC and State plans, number or letter references to other sections of the document may not be an exact match. 
A. Rulings
1. Any Chairman of an Official Committee or twenty (20) percent of the members of an Official Committee may request a ruling or interpretation of the State Party Plan from the General Counsel. The General Counsel’s determination shall be binding unless and until overturned upon appeal, either to the Executive Committee or directly to the State Central Committee. Any original appeal must be made within thirty (30) days of the date that the ruling is posted on the RPV website.
2. The State Chairman shall convene the Executive Committee within fourteen (14) days, either in person or by telephone for purposes of considering an appeal.
3. A decision of the Executive Committee may be further appealed to the State Central Committee, the decision of which shall be binding in accordance with Article X, Section C.
4. All rulings and interpretations by the General Counsel, and the final determination on any appeal thereto, shall be posted on the website and be provided by electronic mail to each member of the State Central Committee and to each Unit Chairman.
B. Contests
1. Each Unit Committee shall decide all controversies and contests arising within its jurisdiction. A Unit Committee’s decision may be appealed by any Party member, as defined in Article I, adversely affected to the appropriate District Committee. In the case of a split Unit, if the controversy or contest specifically relates to the operations or affairs of a particular Congressional or Legislative District, an appeal shall be taken to that particular Congressional or Legislative District Committee; if not, an appeal shall be taken to the District Committee of the District wherein the person appealing resides.
2. Each Legislative District Committee shall decide all controversies and contests arising within its jurisdiction. A Legislative District Committee’s decision may be appealed by any Party member, as defined in Article I, adversely affected to the appropriate Congressional District Committee. In the case of a legislative district that is located in more than one congressional district, the appropriate Congressional District Committee shall be the District wherein the person appealing resides.
3. Each District Committee shall decide all controversies and contests arising within its jurisdiction. It shall also hear and decide all timely appeals taken from units and legislative districts within the District. A District Committee’s decision may be appealed by any Party member adversely affected to the State Central Committee.
4. All Contests and Appeals, under sub-sections 1, 2 and 3 of this section must be made in writing within thirty (30) days after the decision appealed from and the appeal must be accompanied by a petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) Party members, as defined in Article I, (except as provided below) of the respective Unit, Legislative District or Congressional District affected. When an appeal involves a mass meeting, party canvass or convention, then for purposes of this paragraph the term “Party members” shall mean mass meeting participants in the case of a mass meeting; canvass voters in the case of a party canvass; or delegates in the case of a convention. If fewer than one hundred twenty-five (125) persons voted in such mass meeting, party canvass or convention, then the petition shall be signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the voters at such mass meeting, party canvass or convention. A subsequent appeal by the same party does not require an additional petition (e.g., if a petition accompanies and appeal to a Unit Committee, an appeal of the Unit Committee’s decision made by the same party does not require a second petition).
5. All Contests and Appeals under sub-sections 1, 2 and 3 of this section, except for an appeal to the State Central Committee, shall be heard and a decision rendered by the committee to which the appeal was made within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the appeal. If no decision has been rendered in writing at the end of twenty-one (21) days, the appeal or contest may be made directly to the next level of appeal as if an adverse decision had been rendered. A timely appeal made to the State Central Committee will be heard at the next regular meeting of the Committee unless the Chairman or 1/3 of the members call for a special meeting.
6. If the Contest or Appeal arises from an action during a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention held less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the deadline for the official committee chairman to certify a nominee, a contest or appeal may be made directly to the appropriate Congressional District Committee.
C. Finality
The State Central Committee shall make the final decision, upon timely appeal, on all Party controversies and contests in any Election District of the State, rulings of the General Counsel and on all other matters affecting the efficiency of the Party organization or the success of the Party.
ARTICLE IX, Miscellaneous
Where any conflict or inconsistency between the County Party Plan and the State Party Plan occurs, the State Party Plan controls.
Changes in District and Precinct Boundaries
For changes in district and precinct boundaries see the State Party Plan.
Contributions to Candidates
During an election cycle, any potential or declared candidate may receive a contribution (not monetary) from the LCRC prior to being nominated or endorsed by the National Party, State Party, or the LCRC.
The LCRC shall make contributions to candidates only if the committee makes the same contribution to all Republican candidates seeking the Republican nomination or endorsement.
ARTICLE X,  Amendments
The LCRC Plan of Organization may be amended by any County Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention by majority vote; or by the members of the LCRC present and voting. Such vote requires a majority of the total membership of the LCRC, after notice of the meeting for such purpose has been sent to all members. Notice of such a meeting, along with a draft of the amended LCRC Plan of Organization, shall be sent to the members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
Appendix A – Proxy Policy
Loudoun County Proxy Policy
Proxy Stipulation Discussion
Paraphrasing the Virginia Republican Party’s statement on proxy voting: 
The proxy holder must be a resident of Loudoun County and present as a member of the Republican Party from the same election district represented by the absent member of that committee. If the holder of the proxy is a member of the LCRC, that member’s attendance is counted toward quorum as well as being counted as a surrogate for the proxy grantor. Otherwise, the proxy holder shall only be counted as one participant (for the proxy grantor).
All proxies shall be in writing and shall be signed by the grantor of the proxy and shall be in the organization’s proscribed form. 
The Loudoun County Republican Committee operates under Robert’s Rules of Order (as amended). Under Robert’s Rules, “a member need not be present when the question is put. Exceptions to this rule must be expressly stated in the bylaws. Such possible exceptions include: (a) voting by postal mail, e-mail, or fax, and (b) by proxy voting.”
“Proxy voting is not permitted in ordinary deliberative assemblies unless the laws of the state in which the society is incorporated require it, or the charter or bylaws of the organization provide for it.” (Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th Edition)
The LCRC recognizes three types of proxies.
• General proxy: The holder of the proxy has discretion to do whatever the holder wishes at the meeting and can speak, make motions, second motions, and vote on all issues.
• Limited proxy: The holder of the proxy can only vote on certain issues at the meeting.
• Directed proxy: The holder of the proxy can only vote as directed
The Committee’s Proxy Authorization Form follows.
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