
Pornography in Loudoun County Public Schools

Your child has easy access to pornography

And your Loudoun County School Board approves!

Parents send their children to school with hopes they’ll learn, excel, and reach their full potential. But Democrats are using materials in libraries and classrooms to assert a different agenda – indoctrination.

Loudoun County school libraries and classrooms contain sexually-oriented books covering topics like transgenderism and masturbation, easily accessible to children. School administrators are intentionally keeping parents in the dark regarding the sexually-explicit materials available to children in school libraries. Democrats killed legislation to inform parents. 


These are just a few examples of the hundreds of books available to children in our schools.

How Indoctrination Works

Elementary School

Material introducing transgenderism, and encouraging students to pick their own pronouns (he/she/they) as young as kindergarten. Beginning to use terms such as “clitoris” and “penis”, and helping children identify where they are located on the body.

Middle School

Encouraging the exploration of homosexuality, or “Pride”, as a positive and desirable lifestyle by providing books on successful LGBTQ Americans and the rainbow flag.

High School

Normalizing and desensitizing students to materials with explicit sexual content including detailed text and graphic images of sex acts, sometimes shown in “cartoon format” to seem more kid friendly.

Not only are these books shocking and confusing to youth, but the American College of Pediatricians cited the following detrimental effects of children viewing porn.

Leads boys to view women as sex objects, and impacts girls’ self-esteem.

Encourages promiscuity
Increases the risk of teen pregnancy and abortion.

Enhances the risk of a porn addiction.

What can you do?

Contact your county school board and county supervisor, and your state delegate and senator to voice your concerns.

Support the Return to Literacy Book Drive being led by the Loudoun County Republican Women’s Club.​

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