Press Releases


This June, several members of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors conducted a business development trip to Ghana, a country with an extreme anti Lesbian-Gay, Bisexual-Transgender-Queer (LGBTQ) belief system.  Ghanaian investment in the U.S. was already in peril due to pending legislation in Ghana’s Parliament to criminalize LGBTQ individuals and their advocates.  That legislation, now law, mandates a 3-year prison sentence for identifying as LGTBQ; up to 10 years for advocating for LGBTQ rights; up to one year for “a public show of romantic [same sex] relations;” and a prohibition against transgender marriage.

The trip to Ghana included Phyllis Randall, Chair of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Koran Saines and Supervisor Sylvia Glass, plus a delegation of at least 8 others. It proceeded despite a public warning from the sponsor of the anti-LGBTQ bill that any interference in the draconian legislation would bring a halt to Ghana’s business interests in the U.S.  (Emphasis Added).  

Not only did members of Loudoun County’s Board of Supervisors display a disregard for human rights in Ghana, but Ms. Randall suggested that a small chocolate factory could be enticed to relocate to Loudoun County, seemingly unaware that child labor is employed in Ghanaian cacao farming.

Freedom is the founding principle upon which this country was built.  Loudoun County must stand firm for those freedoms, not sell out our county’s integrity to the highest bidder.  It’s time to replace Loudoun County Board of Supervisors members who turn a blind eye to human rights violations while embarking on taxpayer-funded shopping sprees under the guise of a business trip to benefit our county.  Say no to Board members Randall, Briskman, Saines, and Glass.  

Contact the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors at , or email your district supervisor at the email address below. 

Phyllis Randall, Chair-At-Large   Email:

Julie Briskman, Algonkian District   Email:

Koran Saines, Vice Chair, Sterling District     Email:

Sylvia Glass, Broad Run District    Email:

Michael Turner, Ashburn District     Email:

Tony Buffington, Blue Ridge District     Email:

Caleb Kershner, Catoctin District     Email:

Matthew Letourneau, Dulles District     Email:

Kristen Umstattd, Leesburg District     Email:

This election, get out and vote for a change in leadership. Vote your values and give Republicans a chance to work for you.

 The Loudoun County Republican Committee is recruiting:

If you appreciate the work the LCRC is doing, please consider donating:

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Taxpayers foot the bill for Loudoun County politicians’ lavish $60,000 trip to Ghana.

In June, Loudoun County Chair Phyllis Randall and county supervisors Sylvia Glass and Koran Saines flew to Ghana to sign a sister city agreement with the Mayor of Tema using taxpayers dollars. (7News)

This election, get out and vote for a change in leadership. Vote your values and give Republicans a chance to work for you.

 The Loudoun County Republican Committee is recruiting:

If you appreciate the work the LCRC is doing, please consider donating:

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JULY 27, 2023 – Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall has been caught using taxpayer dollars to pay for luxurious, all-expenses paid, first-class travel, 5-star resort vacations to:

South Korea (2 trips)

WJLA news recently interviewed Phyllis Randall on the trip to Ghana.

During the interview, Randall displayed the arrogance that comes from a deep sense of entitlement and superiority brushing off the lavish expenses with a simple, “I’m the chief elected official of the county.”  

What was the purpose of our “chief elected official’s” trip to Ghana? To sign a sister city agreement.  

For such an important event, Randall needed a retinue. So, she brought along her Chief of Staff Matt Rogers, Broad Run Supervisor Sylvia Glass and her Chief of Staff Kent Erwin, and Sterling Supervisor Koran Saines. 

Randall also brought along her husband, a campaign donor (Is that a form of pay-to-play?), the Executive Director of the Loudoun Economic Development Authority Buddy Rizer (that’s where the taxpayer money came from), plus several others.

And what else did Randall and her entourage do on their getaway to Ghana?  Visit the usual tourist sites including a chocolate business. (By the way, on Randall’s trip to Uruguay, the itinerary included tours of wineries and a cannabis factory. We can only guess why their return trip included taxpayer-funded overweight baggage fees.)  

Leesburg Supervisor Kristen Umstattd expressed concerns over the Board of Supervisors (BOS) trips, including the extravagant costs, mingling campaign donations with government efforts, and the large number of Randall’s escorts. Not to mention that Ghana has significant issues concerning child labor, discrimination against women, and criminalization of same-sex relationships.

Randall’s dishonest use of taxpayer dollars to pay for luxurious world-wide excursions is an abuse of power. Her false image of fiscal responsibility while secretly indulging in self-serving practices is a betrayal of the public trust.  Public funds are meant for our collective good. Diverting these funds for personal gain displays a profound lack of integrity and moral principles.  

Chair of the Loudoun County Republican Committee, Scott Pio, commented, “This isn’t the behavior of a faithful public servant. This is the behavior of a corrupt politician with no regard for her constituents. The media has a responsibility to get to the bottom of Randall and the Loudoun Board of Supervisors’ tax-payer funded vacation scandals.”

Public faith in our government is eroding. Randall’s scandals and the corruption of our Board of Supervisors have fostered a climate of cynicism and disillusionment.

Rapper, actor, filmmaker Ice Cube said it best. “Politicians only really pay attention to the people that give them money. Everybody else is kind of an extra in their movie. ‘We love you in the scene, but we can do the scene without you.’”

In 2023, there are over 30 local elections in Loudoun County that will affect you, your children and their education, and your community. Do your research. Protect your family, your values, your community.

This election, remind Phyllis Randall and our current Board of Supervisors that after 8 years of being in power, we’re not just extras in their movie. 

This election, get out and vote for a change in leadership. Vote your values and give Republicans a chance to work for you.

 The Loudoun County Republican Committee is recruiting:

If you appreciate the work the LCRC is doing, please consider donating:

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JULY 28, 2023 – The Loudoun County Republican Committee is proud to announce Governor Glen Youngkin as Key Note Speaker for Loudoun’s first ever Patriot Ball, September 23rd, at the National Conference Center, Leesburg, Virginia.

Other special guests to confirm at this time include:

 Singer, actress Mary Millben

  Michael Farris, former CEO and General Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom

  former Virginia Senator Richard Black

  Patti Lyman, Republican National Committeewoman for Virginia

  Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, Richard Anderson

  Pastor Gary Hamrick, senior pastor Cornerstone Chapel

  Radio host Larry O’Connor will emcee for the evening.

The black-tie optional event will begin at 6pm and promises to be an elegant and enchanting evening of dinner, dancing, and entertainment.

For tickets and information, visit or use the following QR code.

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Early voting for this year’s general election in Virginia begins in only two months.

Have you considered who you will vote for? It’s not too early to start considering what values are important to you and which candidates will best represent your values once elected.

Don’t vote for candidates just because they shook your hand, smiled at you, and said some nice things. Don’t vote against a candidate just because one party scared you by fear mongering. Do your research. Look at the issues each candidate supports. Make an informed decision. Which candidate and party have the values that most closely align with yours? Remember, actions speak louder than words.

Here are the values of Republicans:

– Every parent has the right to be involved in all aspects of raising their children, especially what they are being taught in our schools.

– Religious freedom, without the strong arm of government interference, is a fundamental right.

– Hard work and excellence should be rewarded without favoritism based on immutable characteristics.

– God made male and female. Our children deserve to have their innocence, modesty, and privacy protected, especially at school.  

– Schools should focus on academic excellence, not social experiments.

– Government, like families, should be fiscally responsible.

This election, vote your values. Vote Republican.

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JULY 18, 2023 – Recently, the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) endorsed the following candidates for School Board:

  • Viktoria Hunyadi, Algonkian
  • Deana Griffiths, Ashburn
  • Chris Hodges, Broad Run
  • Kari Labell, Catoctin
  • Joe Smith, Little River
  • Amy Riccardi, Sterling
  • Michael Rivera, At-Large   

The LCRC also endorsed the following candidates for Soil & Water Conservation Directors:

  • Marina Schumacher
  • Jonathan Erickson

The LCRC Chairman Scott Pio stated, “The Loudoun County Republican Committee is pleased to endorse these exceptionally well-qualified candidates.  Each of them represents a return to common sense values that have been missing over the last several years from these important leadership positions in our county.”

For more information on School Board issues, please contact: Michael Rivera at

For more information on Soil & Water Conservation issues, please contact: Marina Schumacher at

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July 18th, 2023 – A Batch Comparison Audit of the June 20th Democratic primary race for the House of Delegates 26th District was completed on Wednesday, June 28th.

In a Batch Comparison Audit, precincts are randomly selected to be audited.  The ballots in those precincts are hand counted and compared to the electronic vote counts from the voting machines in that same precinct.

The hand tabulation of ballots took place at the Loudoun County General Registrar’s office and was open to the public. Results from the Batch Comparison Audit matched very closely with the machine results. Bi-partisan election officers made only 5 adjustments based on determining the intent of the vote when the machine could not (e.g., oval not completely filled in, marking an X or placing a check mark rather than filling in the oval).  

In the past, Loudoun County has used a Risk-Limiting Audit procedure known as Ballot Polling. The Ballot Polling method uses a random sample of a few ballots from multiple random precincts to determine if election results are accurate.  

Last fall, the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) appealed to the Governor and the Virginia Department of Elections to approve the Batch Comparison Audit as a means for Virginia citizens to have a much greater confidence in the results of elections. 

In March, the State Board of Elections approved the Batch Comparison Audit method for use and updated the State’s Risk-Limiting Audit Manual to include guidelines for batch comparisons. 

 LCRC Chairman, Scott Pio, said, “The Loudoun County Republican Committee supports the Batch Comparison method because it is easier for the public to understand, increases transparency, and improves voter confidence in election results.”  

The bi-partisan request from the Loudoun County Electoral Board to conduct a Batch Comparison Audit of the Democrat primary was approved by the State Board of Elections on June 27th.

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JUNE 3, 2023 – Last Friday, the Loudoun County School Board hired Virginia Beach City Public Schools Superintendent Aaron Spence.

To find our new Superintendent, our School Board hired a company named GR Recruiting (  The company held community sessions where parent feedback and teacher perspectives were sought.  Parents wanted meritocracy and a safe environment.  Teachers wanted much better enforcement of discipline. 

Is that what we are getting with Mr. Spence?

No.  Mr. Spence is a radical leftist who is ideologically aligned with our radical School Board.  Like leftists in Loudoun, he prefers judging people by the color of their skin, lowering academic standards, increasing focus on cultural indoctrination, and ignoring discipline problems in school.   

Possibly, Mr. Spence’s single most notable achievement in Virginia Beach is that after 10 years of being in charge, Virginia Beach schools have seen more threats from students and more disruptive behavior than ever. did he accomplish that?

By implementing a task force to reduce suspensions based on equity (otherwise known as enforcing or not enforcing discipline based on skin color). 

Following Biberaj’s example of lowering incarceration rates by not prosecuting criminals, Spence lowered suspensions by not suspending students for misconduct.  As soon as that policy was implemented, discipline problems in his schools only increased. 

Everyone knows that when bad behavior goes without consequence, it only encourages more bad behavior.  Imagine trying to be a teacher in an environment where bad behavior isn’t punished.  Nothing else really matters if teachers and students don’t feel safe while at school.

What Spence should have been doing was raising the standard of character among his students.

The good news for Spence is he successfully ran away from the angry parents of Virginia Beach.  The bad news for us, he’s coming to Loudoun to continue making our schools infamous.    

Tiffany Polifko, a School Board member who puts student needs ahead of ideology, accurately summed up the situation:

“It is my belief that it is not the current School Board who should be selecting the next Superintendent to lead Loudoun County Public Schools. I understand that we need to heal, and we need to move on, but right now we have a gaping wound in our school system. And this current board is not the one in my belief who’s going to fix that wound. I will work with anyone. I work respectfully with anyone. But it is my sincere belief that in order to choose the proper leader for this school division, we need to have the proper leaders in place on the School Board to execute that decision. And in my opinion, we do not have that right now. So, I will not be supporting this selection of this superintendent during tonight’s vote.”

So, what do we do now?

This election, we need to fire leftist School Board members and vote in candidates who care about parental rights, who care about race-blind achievement, who care about discipline in schools, and who will tell the LCPS superintendent, administrators, and lawyers “NO.” 

Talk to your neighbors, talk to your friends, and talk to the parents at your kid’s soccer games.  Every voter you talk to has the potential to reach a hundred more voters.  Together, we can restore sanity to Loudoun County Public Schools.  

The following School Board members voted to hire Spence:

Atoosa Reaser (running for House of Delegates District 27)

Harris Mahedavi (running for re-election)

Erika Ogedegbe (running for re-election)

Jeff Morse

Ian Serotkin

Brenda Sheridan

The following School Board members voted against hiring Spencer:

Tiffany Polifko

John Beatty

Denise Corbo was absent.

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MAY 31, 2023 – Yesterday, a Loudoun County Circuit Court judge ordered that the independent review of sexual assaults in Loudoun County schools be released to the Office of the Attorney General. 

The following members of the School Board voted against releasing the report:

Erika Ogedegbe (running for re-election to the School Board)
Harris Mahedavi (running for re-election to the School Board)
Atoosa Reaser (running to represent Loudoun County in House District 27)
Jeff Morse

Brenda Sheridan
Ian Serotkin

Notably, Ogedegbe and Reaser initially said they supported the release of the report but when it came time for the actual vote, they voted to keep the report secret.

The following members voted in favor of releasing the report:

Tiffany Polifko
John Beatty
Denise Corbo

After redacting names of victims and perpetrators, why would any School Board member want to prevent the release of an independent report on how our school system handled two sexual assault cases?

The simplest answer is they want to avoid accountability. 

If the public finds out that they could have prevented a sexual assault, then School Board members might not be re-elected (or in Reaser’s case, elected to higher office). 

Transparency in our government is crucial because it fosters accountability.  It ensures our elected leaders act in the best interests of the public. 

Transparency builds trust by providing visibility into the decision-making processes and resource allocation. 

Transparent governments benefit from diverse perspectives and the expertise of their citizens, leading to better informed policies and inclusive decision-making. 

We have a transparency problem in Loudoun County.  Our School Board hides reports.  Our Board of Supervisors makes decisions behind closed doors.  Our democrat-controlled Senate in Richmond kills bills before they can even be debated,

It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable.  This election, elect government leaders who are unafraid of sunlight on their activities, who encourage public participation in the decision-making process.

This election, don’t just blindly vote how you always vote. 

This election, know your candidates, and vote your values.

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MAY 14, 2023 – More information has come out about the Loudoun Love Warriors, a group espousing violence and hatred toward Virginia citizens including Governor Youngkin, Lt Governor Sears, Attorney General Miyares, Loudoun Country Republican Committee Chair Pio, and more than 100 other Virginia citizens. “</Br>Members of the Loudoun Love Warriors are affiliated with several Democrat-elected officials, including among others Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj, Board of Supervisor Chair Phyllis Randall, Supervisor Juli Briskman, School Board members Atoosa Reaser and Erika Ogedegbe, and candidate for Sheriff Craig Buckley and candidate for School Board At-Large Anne Donohue. Additionally, members of the Love Warriors are linked to Democrat Loudoun organizations such as Loudoun 4 All, Students Demand Action, the local Loudoun NAACP chapter, and the Minority Student Achievement Advisory Council.

Why did a “secret group” of leftist Democrats keep a list of Virginians that they wanted to track, dox, harass, mock, intimidate, threaten, assault, silence, and ultimately destroy?

Those are the actions of domestic terrorists.

Reporters who have viewed the Love Warrior messages provided by a whistleblower state that the Love Warrior terrorists felt using such tactics would protect Democrat officials from the backlash of Loudoun parents upset over the cover-up of the rape and sexual assaults of two girls by a boy identifying as a girl in Loudoun schools.

Why would anyone or any group want to cover up such terrible incidents as sexual assault in our public schools?

Because it threatens their hold on power, and through that power their ability to impose a radical, leftist social narrative that is fundamentally divisive and destructive to our community. 

Democrats say they want diversity, but the actions of the Loudoun Love Warriors speak louder.  What leftist Democrats really want is conformity in thought, quotas, and a caste system where some people are better than others simply because of immutable traits. 

The old saying, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” is gone.  It appears that a more accurate saying for Democrats in power is, “I disapprove of what you say, and therefore you will be silenced.”

Do you value freedom of speech?  Do you believe that differing viewpoints and open dialogue are vital for a healthy society? 

Free speech is a fundamental human right that enables individuals to express their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and beliefs without fear of censorship or retaliation.  It is a cornerstone of our founding documents.

Free speech enables our community to participate in public discourse, explore different viewpoints, find common ground, provide a check on power, promote accountability, and encourages innovation and creativity.  Free speech is a powerful tool against tyranny and oppression.

In this upcoming election, please ask yourself which party values free speech and which party, by its actions, crushes free speech.

Vote accordingly.  

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MAY 10, 2023 – Greg Moulthrop, candidate for Virginia Senate District-32 in Loudoun County, issued a statement in response to ABC News affiliate WJLA’s reporting of threats against Loudoun County residents: 

“I strongly condemn threats of violence against any and all residents of our County. I entered the race for Virginia Senate because of the divisive, heated, and personal attacks on members of each party.  I believe we need candidates and elected officials who focus on delivering solutions rather than creating rhetoric.   I have been assured that Loudoun County Sheriff, Mike Chapman is fully aware and concerned about the threats, and I call for patience while his investigation is conducted.  At this time, I ask that we remember the impact to the three members of our community who received the violent threats.  It should not be controversial to stand with our neighbors, and to understand their fear for their own safety, and that of their families.  Political fights belong on the floor of the legislature, outside the chamber we must remain civil to one another.  We must change the way we do politics and this is our year.  Let’s restore a sense of community and civility, and focus on debating shared goals that improve the lives of all Virginians not tear us apart.  I believe that Loudoun County, and the Commonwealth as a whole, has a better, brighter, future in store for us all. ” 

Background:  On May 9, 2023, WJLA reported that the Facebook group “Loudoun Love Warriors” posted hundreds of messages calling for violence against three Loudoun County residents who have publicly vocalized support for issues including parental rights and school safety.  The Facebook group includes members with ties to the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, School Board, Commonwealth’s Attorney, and Loudoun County candidates.  The Loudoun County Democratic Party is conducting their own investigation and vows to expel any members from their party who tolerated the threats.  The Republican Party of Virginia called the attacks “repugnant.”

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LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MARCH 31, 2023 – Today, a grand jury from Manhattan, New York, led by a George Soros backed and funded democrat District Attorney, indicted former President Donald Trump, the leading Republican Candidate for the 2024 nomination for President.

Our country has now become a Third World nation, where the criminal justice system is weaponized according to political agendas to drive prosecution of political opponents.

This is not a left or right issue.  Every citizen, regardless of where they land on the political spectrum, should be outraged and frightened by this turn of events.  

The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank that is not aligned with liberal or conservative political ideologies, has said the indictment is a “shocking affront to the Constitution’s plan for limited government and the rule of law.”

Legal scholar and constitutional expert Jonathan Turley called the indictment “a patently political prosecution,” “deeply flawed,” and “legally pathetic.”  Former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz called the indictment “foolish” and said, “this is not what the criminal justice system is supposed to be.”

But under Democrat leadership, this is what our criminal justice system has become.

Here in Loudoun County, we have firsthand knowledge of the corruption of a Soros-funded district attorney within our own commonwealth attorney’s office.

Democrats cannot be trusted with our justice system and our Constitution. Rather than uphold the rule of law, Democrats tip the scales of justice in favor of their political agenda and progressive biases.  

Democrats repeatedly drop legitimate charges, or pursue unjust prosecution, based on skin color and ideology. Nationally, we have watched Democrat prosecutors use easily manipulated grand jury investigations, and the “secrecy” that comes with them, to undermine the principles of transparency and due process while at the same time distracting the general public from the widespread failures of the Biden administration.

Every citizen must think about what future lies ahead for their children and grandchildren. What the Democrats are building for young people is a tyrannical, totalitarian, communist, Marxist society.  

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January 23, 2023

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA; JANUARY 23, 2023 — On January 17, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors (LCBOS) voted 6-1 (with one abstention and one absent) to support the “Social and Racial Equity as Fundamental Values,” resolution that now requires the county to govern through an equity lens.  Votes are below.

Yes – Randall, Saines, Briskman, Glass, Turner, Umstattd
No – Kershner
Abstained – Buffington
Absent – LeTourneau

The Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) of Virginia, a grassroots organization whose members take action to promote issues of importance to Loudoun County residents, disagrees with this resolution.  

The reality is that this resolution requires Loudoun County government to apply the Socialist concept of “equity” and discriminate against people of one skin color, nationality, or gender in favor of another. In direct violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Board members have dismissed the concept of selection based on merit, which is a foundational element of Western civilization that gave us our current standard of living.  

Loudoun County is three generations removed from the passing of the Civil Rights Act.  Today, most Americans reject the idea of preferences based on such things as skin color by a wide margin.  For example, 74% reject racial preferences in college admissions, here Our county is a fully integrated society with many relationships crossing different races and nationalities and with our children growing up having friends from many diverse backgrounds.

Why should the LCBOS Equity Resolution be of concern to Loudoun County citizens?

Because it further divides our community into so many camps rather than uniting our county in a common pursuit of excellence.

America is the land of opportunity.  A person’s place in today’s society is not a fault of society but a result of individual choices that each person makes.  Enabling government officials to decide who is qualified based on anything but merit will divide our county, inevitably lead to a quota system, invite government corruption, and be a violation of civil rights.

The way to address this racist resolution passed by our Board of Supervisors is to elect supervisors who support non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all.

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January 17, 2023

LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, JANUARY 17, 2023 – On December 30, 2022, the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney, Buta Biberaj, notified district judges that her office would no longer prosecute the following crimes: hit and run with property damage; eluding police; petty larceny (including goods up to $1,000); possession of certain controlled substances; failure to appear in court; and others.  Instead, these cases will be sent to district courts with only law enforcement representing the County. This is a startling turnaround for Biberaj, who in 2021 took the unusual step of personally prosecuting a Loudoun father for misdemeanor charges.

Ms. Biberaj argued that her office needs to focus its resources on violent crimes and felonies.  This is in contrast to the statistics indicating that violent crimes have declined in the past two years.  In 2020, arrests for more egregious crimes (known as “Group A Offenses”) totaled 1,815; by 2021, this number dropped to 1,306.  The first half of 2022 experienced an uptick in certain crime categories, but an even further decline in others. 
A more telling statistic is the ratio of Loudoun County citizens to law enforcement employees.  In 2020, Loudoun County employed 210 law enforcement officers per 100,000 citizens.  By 2021 a 5.5 per cent drop in Loudoun County law enforcement personnel, combined with an increase in population, resulted in only 195 law enforcement officers per 100,000 Loudoun County residents. The same personnel are now expected to pick up the slack on crimes the Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney declines to prosecute.
It’s time for a new prosecutor who can effectively use the generous resources provided to the office, and place the needs of Loudoun County residents first. 
The Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) of Virginia is a grassroots organization in which its members take action to promote issues of importance to Loudoun County residents as well as the Republican Party platform and its candidates, both locally and nationally.
(All statistics provided by Crime in Virginia Annual Reports)
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January 16, 2022

This week, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors plans to vote on a lengthy resolution to codify “social and racial equity as a fundamental value” of county governmental policies and personnel practices.

It is a bad idea, and I oppose it.

Many proponents of this and other equity-styled initiatives seek to denigrate those of us who oppose them by suggesting we are against the equal protection and treatment of all persons regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, or anything else.

This is a falsehood that needs to be exposed.

I am strong and lifelong advocate Equality of Opportunity for All – a moral and legitimate objective of any just society. Equity advocates want something different – something that is neither equitable nor moral at its core.

They want equality of outcome, so no matter how hard someone works, or their gender, race, or background, they get the same result as everyone else. This is not good social policy, nor something our local Board of Supervisors should be spending its time on.

I am a proud American of Indian heritage. Over the years I have learned much about what it means to be compassionate and to help others – and what it means to pick winners and losers regardless of merit or a true belief in equality. One is noble; the other is not.

In India, Mahatma Gandhi fought for equal rights and opportunities for “untouchables” humans – the so-called Children of God, who were suppressed. Mother Teresa fought for Indian people with leprosy whose needs were ignored and whose humanity was disparaged.

In America, the Rev. Martin Luther King fought for civil rights and against racial prejudice that perpetuated segregation and the separate and UN-equal treatment of American citizens.

In South Africa, Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid – not to secure some version of “equity,” but instead to secure basic equal rights for non-white people.

All of these were noble battles for equality, not equity of outcomes. 

Most of us or our fore-bearers came to America as immigrants. Those of us who have settled in Loudoun County are grateful. It is where we work, socialize, and raise our families with gratitude for the opportunities and freedoms afforded to us – including the opportunity to be treated equally, work hard, and succeed.

I recently traveled to India with my family and met with family, old friends, and others in various cities who asked about America and wondered if their hard work would still be welcomed here. They were uniformly critical of divisive politics, and troubled that Americans are not working together better for the common good. They also voiced uniform opposition to equal outcomes for all, which is different than the legitimate goal of equal opportunity for all.

America already has “fundamental values” enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, its amendments, and the law. We don’t need new values mandated by the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors – and certainly not the complex, backward-looking resolution that is intended to impact all aspects of county policy and personnel practices.

It is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and it should be rejected.

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August 13, 2022

The Loudoun County Republican Committee opposes the dangerous precedent of an FBI raid of the home of a former U.S. President, particularly when document disputes should be settled by negotiation. The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution is designed to protect Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. A raid like this against the home of a former U.S. president should not happen. It is at a minimum, another example of Federal government overreach approved by the highest levels, and another reflection of a politically motivated FBI. Hung Cao, a retired Navy captain running for the 10th District Congressional seat, is committed to restoring Constitutional government, fighting government overreach, and reestablishing trust in our institutions. Vote for Cao and help restore Constitutional government.

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Greg Moulthrop is an Economist, Entrepreneur, Parent and someone that Loudoun County needs today.

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