Democrats, Elections, Illegal Immigration, Resolutions, Uncategorized

Resolution to Remove Non-Citizens from Voter Rolls

Whereas in 2020 and 2021 former Governor Ralph Northam undermined the integrity of elections in the Commonwealth of Virginia by signing legislation that

  • ● allowed absentee voting without cause (HB1 and SB111),
  • ● unnecessarily extended the early voting period to unreasonable lengths (HB1 and  SB111),
  • ● eliminated voter photo ID requirements (HB19 and SB65),
  • ● allowed for voter registration on election day (HB201),
  • ● increased reliance on distribution of ballots through the US Mail (HB238 and SB455), and
  • ● facilitated near automatic voter registration through the DMV (HB235 and SB219);

Whereas President Biden promoted the unlawful entry of more than 10 million illegal aliens into the United States by

  • ● deliberately and purposefully terminating border wall construction funding,
  • ● revoking the “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” Executive Order,
  • ● signing an Executive Order reinstating the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) program,
  • ● weakening Immigration and Customs enforcement procedures that previously  helped secure the federal border,
  • ● temporarily suspending the “Remain in Mexico” policy to hasten the entry of illegal aliens into the United States,
  • ● proposing an immigration bill which included a “pathway to citizenship” for millions of illegal aliens, and
  • ● signing Executive Order 14019 requiring federal agencies to target voter registration initiatives in populations where citizenship status cannot be effectively tracked[1];

Whereas many senior Republican federal and state officials nationwide have pointed out grave risks to election integrity as a direct result of the Biden administration’s open border policies, including

  • ● the Honorable Mike Johnson, US Speaker of the House, who observed that the Biden administration’s open border strategy appears to be designed with the explicit intention of converting illegal aliens into Democrat voters and
  • ● the Honorable Congressman Chip Roy (TX) and the Honorable Senator Mike Lee (UT), who announced the need to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, which would ensure that only US citizens vote in federal elections by requiring proof of citizenship to register;

Whereas it was incumbent upon Governor Youngkin to prevent further deterioration of election integrity by vetoing numerous election-related bills passed on partisan lines by the Democrat-controlled General Assembly 2024 session, all of which would have made it easier to commit election fraud, more difficult to identify non-citizens on Virginia’s voter rolls, and would have reduced the ability of average citizens to raise voter eligibility concerns to local officials, such as

  • ● removing identifying features used to distinguish between citizen and non-citizen    state-issued driver permits and special ID cards (HB1454 and SB246),
  • ● diluting the integrity of voter identification by adding additional “acceptable” voter identification (HB26),
  • ● removing tools and deadlines for general registrars to maintain current and accurate Registered Voter Lists (HB904, SB196, and SB300),
  • ● reducing the ability of average citizens to raise voter eligibility concerns to local officials (HB1534),
  • ● prohibiting any reductions of locations, days, or times for early voting (HB623),
  • ● prohibiting the placement of polling stations within a police station or sheriff’s office (HB942),
  • ● forcing Virginia to rejoin the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), an unaccountable, non-transparent third-party organization that fails to ensure voter roll accuracy as well as the security of personal identifiable information (HB1177 and SB606);

Whereas both federal and Commonwealth of Virginia legislation prohibit voting by non-citizens including

  • ● requirement for an accurate Registered Voter List (RVL) as specified by the    National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993, the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, and the Code of Virginia,
  • ● pronouncement of a criminal offense for a non-citizen voting in a federal election as specified by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996,
  • ● capability to utilize numerous systems to identify non-citizens on the RVL, including working with the SSA, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and the capability to access DMV’s entire database down to the county level pursuant to § 24.2-427,
  • ● requirement that the general registrar promptly cancel the registration of all persons known not to be United States citizens pursuant to § 24.2-427 based on Virginia DMV’s required monthly reporting to Virginia’s Department of Elections (VDOE) and local registrars pursuant to § 24.2-410.1 of all persons who have indicated non-citizen status by:
    • o   applying for Driver Privilege Cards (DPCs), thereby demonstrating lack of citizenship,
    • o   indicating non-citizen status during the electronic “Motor Voter” process or through a paper application, and
    • o   indicating through the American Association of Motor Vehicles Driver’s License Compact system to have obtained a driver’s license in another jurisdiction.
  • ● § 24.2-410.1 that requires ELECT act on information received through the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program, for which ELECT personnel have already been trained;

Whereas Virginia has evidence of both potential and actual voting by illegitimate voters, recognizing that

  • ● as of May 2023, the VDOE has removed from Virginia’s RVL 1,481 registrations  citing “non-citizen status,” including 800 voters with voting histories dating back to at least 2019[1] and
  • ● between September 1, 2022, and August 16, 2023, 2,219 voters, having identified themselves as “non-citizens” during a DMV transaction, had their voting privileges canceled by ELECT through the DMV transaction process, leaving the question of  how they were able to register to vote in the first place unanswered[2]; and

Whereas confidence in the integrity of our elections is of paramount importance in safeguarding democracy and securing the very existence of our republic; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC):

1. calls on the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State Board of Elections to direct Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) to

  • ● work with the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Department of  Motor Vehicles (DMV) to conduct a full audit of Virginia’s Registered Voter List (RVL) in order to identify non-citizens on Virginia’s voter rolls,
  • ● use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program,  along with other tools available through the SSA and DMV to immediately identify and direct the removal of all non-citizens residing in the Commonwealth who are ineligible to vote from the RVL, and
  • ● provide the audit findings to all Virginia registrar offices and Virginia’s Office of the Attorney General for their action, facilitating the removal of all identified non-citizens from the RVL;

2. calls on Virginia’s Office of the Attorney General to ensure strict enforcement of federal and state election laws which prevent the voting of non-citizens in Virginia’s elections and to ensure prosecution of those who violate or assist others to violate these laws;

3. calls on ELECT to revise the current process whereby individuals can be registered to vote through DMV’s system without sufficient citizenship verification;

4. publishes copies of this resolution by Public Notice and disseminate it to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Office of the Attorney General, the Virginia State Board of Elections, the Virginia Department of Elections for dissemination to all local electoral boards and General Registrars, the Loudoun

[1] https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/07/executive-order-on-promoting-access-to-voting/

[2] https://epec.info/2024/03/22/va-records-show-non-citizens-voting/

[3] tps://lfportal.loudoun.gov/LFPortalinternet/Browse.aspx?startid=308878&row=1&dbid=0 4/25/2024 LCEB Agenda

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