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Suhas Subramanyam is an Extremist on Abortion

From Red Virginia News.

Suhas Subramanyam sponsored an amendment to the Virginia constitution that would guarantee the right to perform an abortion at any time, for any reason, even up to the point of birth.  Suhas says he is a force to expand abortion rights and that he is protecting reproductive freedom in Virginia.  But he avoids altogether the discussion of when should life in the womb be protected. 

The US Constitution guarantees to all people the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Each state has enacted laws to protect the right to life.  When it comes to taking the life of an unborn baby, the state of Virginia has said that it is legal to do so up until the third trimester for any reason.  During the third trimester, two doctors must agree that the mother’s physical or mental health is in danger.  Suhas wants abortion for any reason, even in the third trimester.  He does not feel that life in the womb ever deserves protection.  That’s radical and well outside the mainstream of public thought on the issue.

According to a 2022 Marist poll, nearly 7 in 10 (68%) of Americans support some type of restriction on abortion.  Only 24% of Americans think that abortion should be available at any point during pregnancy. 

What should that restriction on abortion look like?  To put it in other words, at what point in a pregnancy does life in the womb deserve protection?  When there is a heartbeat?  When the fetus can feel pain?  When the baby has a soul?  Only after the baby is in the third trimester?  

All life is precious, including life in the womb.  But not to Suhas.  At some point, life in the womb has a right to life and most people believe the state should establish laws to protect that right.  Suhas’ proposed amendment to the Virginia constitution proves he doesn’t believe babies in the womb ever deserve a right to life.

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