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Subramanyam Wants Government to Limit Freedom of Worship


From Red Virginia News

The most fundamental of all Americans’ rights is the freedom of religion and to practice one’s faith. This is the basis of America’s foundation. All people shall be allowed to practice their faith without the government interfering or imposing its will on the people.

Suhas Subramanyam, Democrat candidate for the 10 th Congressional District, doesn’t seem to believe in this right. Let’s look at the facts.

Suhas opposed legislation that would have allowed hospitals and nursing facilities to receive
visits from clergy during a public health emergency (HB 1689). 

This bill requires hospital, nursing, and other facilities to allow patients to receive visits from clergy during a declared public health emergency related to a communicable disease. There are safeguards in the bill to ensure that clergy may be restricted if they fail a health screening test and that visits by clergy do not count against the number of allowed visitors. 

By voting against this legislation, Suhas is saying that the mental, moral, and spiritual well-being of those who need support is not important, even during times of great stress such as during the COVID pandemic and lockdowns.

Due to government restrictions, how many of our loved ones died during the COVID pandemic without the benefit of religious counsel to ease their mental and spiritual pain? Think back in history to when clergy of all faiths tended to the needs of the sick, ill, and dying. 

Suhas opposed legislation that would ensure that restrictions on houses of worship be no
more restrictive than on other businesses (HB2171).

Simply stated, during times of public emergency, restrictions on houses of worship would be no more restrictive than on any other businesses, organizations, or activities. 

The government cannot pick and choose which public places are more important than others to attend during an emergency. Without this legislation, your government can shut down places of worship without recourse by its members, while still allowing businesses to operate. This is an abrogation of Freedom of Religion and the ability to practice one’s religion. It is precisely during emergencies, health or otherwise, that people need and seek the solace of their religious community.

To put this in perspective, Virginia ABC stores were allowed to stay open for business, yet our houses of worship were not. This legislation passed the House on a 53-43 vote, with Suhas casting a NO vote.

This lack of understanding concerning the need for people to practice their faith, regardless of or because of emergency situations, shows a complete lack of understanding as to how
important it is to allow Americans to be able to practice their faith, to give them hope, and to navigate through threatening situations.

It is up to the houses of worship themselves (churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc.) to decide when to limit activity and not have it imposed by bureaucrats.

Suhas’s position on one’s ability to practice their religion is a slippery slope. His opposition to these pieces of legislation leaves open the door for government to use any excuse it deems appropriate to take such actions in the future.

This is not what Americans of all faiths stand for!

We cannot afford a progressive like Suhas Subramanyam to win in November, further erode our religious freedoms, and treat people of faith as second-class citizens.

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