

Early voting for this year’s general election in Virginia begins in only two months.

Have you considered who you will vote for? It’s not too early to start considering what values are important to you and which candidates will best represent your values once elected.

Don’t vote for candidates just because they shook your hand, smiled at you, and said some nice things. Don’t vote against a candidate just because one party scared you by fear mongering. Do your research. Look at the issues each candidate supports. Make an informed decision. Which candidate and party have the values that most closely align with yours? Remember, actions speak louder than words.

Here are the values of Republicans:

– Every parent has the right to be involved in all aspects of raising their children, especially what they are being taught in our schools.

– Religious freedom, without the strong arm of government interference, is a fundamental right.

– Hard work and excellence should be rewarded without favoritism based on immutable characteristics.

– God made male and female. Our children deserve to have their innocence, modesty, and privacy protected, especially at school.  

– Schools should focus on academic excellence, not social experiments.

– Government, like families, should be fiscally responsible.

This election, vote your values. Vote Republican.

The Loudoun County Republican Committee is recruiting:  https://loudoungop.com/membership-application

If you appreciate the work the LCRC is doing, please consider donating: https://secure.winred.com/loudoun-county-republican-committee/donate-web


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