Democrats, Education, Press Release


LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA, MAY 31, 2023 – Yesterday, a Loudoun County Circuit Court judge ordered that the independent review of sexual assaults in Loudoun County schools be released to the Office of the Attorney General. 

The following members of the School Board voted against releasing the report:

Erika Ogedegbe (running for re-election to the School Board)
Harris Mahedavi (running for re-election to the School Board)
Atoosa Reaser (running to represent Loudoun County in House District 27)
Jeff Morse

Brenda Sheridan
Ian Serotkin

Notably, Ogedegbe and Reaser initially said they supported the release of the report but when it came time for the actual vote, they voted to keep the report secret.

The following members voted in favor of releasing the report:

Tiffany Polifko
John Beatty
Denise Corbo

After redacting names of victims and perpetrators, why would any School Board member want to prevent the release of an independent report on how our school system handled two sexual assault cases?

The simplest answer is they want to avoid accountability. 

If the public finds out that they could have prevented a sexual assault, then School Board members might not be re-elected (or in Reaser’s case, elected to higher office). 

Transparency in our government is crucial because it fosters accountability.  It ensures our elected leaders act in the best interests of the public. 

Transparency builds trust by providing visibility into the decision-making processes and resource allocation. 

Transparent governments benefit from diverse perspectives and the expertise of their citizens, leading to better informed policies and inclusive decision-making. 

We have a transparency problem in Loudoun County.  Our School Board hides reports.  Our Board of Supervisors makes decisions behind closed doors.  Our democrat-controlled Senate in Richmond kills bills before they can even be debated,

It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable.  This election, elect government leaders who are unafraid of sunlight on their activities, who encourage public participation in the decision-making process.

This election, don’t just blindly vote how you always vote. 

This election, know your candidates, and vote your values. 

The Loudoun County Republican Committee is recruiting

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