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Is Anne Donohue violating the Hatch Act?

UPDATE:  Anne Donohue is now under official investigation by the US Office of Special Counsel for violating federal law.

Anne Donohue, running for School Board At-Large in Loudoun County, may be in violation of federal law.

Ms. Donohue is a General Schedule (GS) executive branch employee of the federal government. As such, she is subject to the Hatch Act which prohibits federal employees from participating in partisan activities while working for the federal government.  

According to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, Hatch Act violations include accepting an endorsement from a political party while running for a non-partisan office. It is also a violation of the law to receive material assistance from a political party such as campaign signs, campaign literature, and advertising support.

Ms. Donohue has received and welcomed the public endorsement of the Loudoun County Democrat Committee (LCDC). Her campaign has made multiple donations from April through June to the LCDC. While her campaign literature states, “Paid for by friends of Anne Donohue,” it appears that Ms. Donohue has been using the LCDC to “launder money” by donating to the LCDC and in return using the LCDC to take care of her campaign needs.  

Her acceptance of a political party’s endorsement, her campaign contributions to that same party, her frequent appearances with democrat officials at campaign events, and apparent use of democrat party support, has placed her campaign in blatant violation of the federal law.

The serious nature of these allegations demands an investigation.  The last person we need on our school board is someone who is willing to violate federal law to gain power over our children and subvert the rights of parents.

This election, vote for change!

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